I mentioned before that we are now out of the war zones so many of the buildings remain from the 12th and 13th centuries, although much here has been rebuilt after a huge fire nearly destroyed the town in 1530. There's also a difference in the architecture from what we have seen earlier. Many of the buildings are half-timbered with carvings on the wood. Joigny had some great streets.

One other French curiosity caught my eye. I've never been able to figure out the huge popularity of Jerry Lewis in France. He's alway been a big draw here. Another popular figure is Johnny Hallyday. For many years the pop star has been beloved by the French; kind of like Elvis. The owner of the boulangerie you can see just above the boat in the picture before must be a big fan. I just had to get a picture of the shrine in the window.

Thursday night we had a spectacular light show. The day had been very hot and muggy. About 8 the lightning began; the most spectacular show any of us had ever seen and both Cathy Jo and I spent some time in the midwest. Just a little later, the heavens opened and Odysseus got a good rinse.
Thursday was also our 27th wedding anniversary and Ines treated us to a dinner at one of the better restaurants in town (the showers stopped just long enough for us to walk to the restaurant). Friday morning, after a quick visit for the market in town, it was off toward Auxerre.
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